Friday, April 17, 2015

final post

hey guys double money here! The best part of the SMG was looking up stocks by typing in random words, the worst part of it was the transaction sheets, some of our stocks went up so that went well but a lot of them went down so that didn't go well, as a group we were pretty efficient and we had fun! Our average equity was 98,754.86625 and our average rank was 57.25 and that's not to bad. At our best we were in 23rd place and at our worst 86th just a fun fact our rank drooped from 23rd to 83rd in two stock market classes 

Friday, April 10, 2015

last day

Hey guys. Double money hear. Last day of the stock market game as players. We are buying as many stocks as we can to get last minute money. Mika is finishing up the transaction sheets. Lets hope that we will not finish last. Right now we are in 86 out of 90. I don't know if I said this yet but thre reason we went from like 23 to 86 is because I bought about 700 stocks at about 100 each. I did not pay attention to them for a while and hey dropped about 50 each.

The price of gold right now is $1207.52 per ounce. We have used almost all of our money now. 

Signing off! Thanks for joining us on, see you next time!

Monday, April 6, 2015

week 8

Hey guys! Double money here!

We still are doing pretty bad as the game comes to an end. We really hope that we can find some good stocks at the end of the game. I finally finished all of the transaction sheets!! Today we have a pretty low down day. Mika is trying to find some stocks desperately. I am in a pretty good mood right now after finishing all of the transaction sheets. The price of gold is 1217.90.

week 7 post

Hey guys!

We are pretty down right now. A lot not our stocks just back fired on us. One of our stocks was up really high and we did not sell it at the right time and it dropped. Any ways it does not matter beacuse   we are still hopefully going to buy some more good stocks. Today we would be doing lots of transaction sheets but the transactions have not been put through the system. We are both searching desperatly for good stocks.

Right now it is seems that the whole stock market is going down. We are not happy about it and we wish we could change it and we hope it won't go down any farther.

We did not get a screen shot today but our rank is 83 out of 90 and our total equity is $ 95,432.78.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Hey guys!

We are pretty down right now. A lot not our stocks just back fired on us. One of our stocks was up really high and we did not sell it at the right time and it dropped. Any ways it does not matter because are still hopefully going to buy some more good stocks. Today we would be doing lots of transaction sheets but the transactions have not been put through the system. We are both searching desperately for good stocks.

Right now it is seems that the whole stock market is going down. We are not happy about it. We wish we could change it and we hope it won't go down any farther. Right now the price of gold is $1185.60 per ounce.

Friday, March 20, 2015

blog number 6

Hey guys and girls double money here to catch you up,on the stock market!

Ilo: working on transaction sheets we haven't done
Mika: working on the blog

Most of our stocks have gone up and we hope that they will keep up the great work! Right now we have eight stocks and haven't spent enough money so we are trying to find stocks that are around ten dollars. We hope that we can get closer to being first. 

 Thanks for reading and have a great day! Double money out.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Blog number five

Hey guys and gals double money here to catch you up on our stocks! Ilo is working on a transaction sheet for a stock we sold, looking for stocks, and Mika is working on the blog post and also finding stocks. Our stocks are doing fine but we want more to help us get into first place. We bought 700 shares of a stock that I will call window. We are happy with what we have done and that is pleasing 
Thanks for reading!